Logo for: PoliceApp
Chief: Michael Caron
Address: 4 Fellows Road
Windham NH 03087
Number of Officers: 22
Population Served: 16100
Specializations: Drone, Drug Task Force, Public Safety Communications, School Resource Officer, SWAT/Tactical

About the Windham Police Department


The Windham Police Department is a full-time law enforcement agency staffed by twenty two (22) full-time sworn personnel, including the Chief, two (2) Captains, four (5) Sergeants, two (2) Detectives, two (2) School Resource Officers, and nine (10) Patrol Officers. The Department also has on staff a full-time Prosecutor, a full-time Community Service Officer, a full-time Administrative Secretary and a part-time Records Clerk. Our Communications Center, which operates 24-hours a day, is staffed by five (5) Dispatchers.

The Windham Police Department maintains an on-going recruitment process for the position of full-time police officer.

Questions may be directed to Captain Bryan Smith at (603) 434-5577 or BSmith@WindhamNH.GOV.