Logo for: PoliceApp
Chief: Foti Koskinas
Address: 50 Jesup Road
Westport CT 06880
Phone: 203-341-6000
Number of Officers: 64
Population Served: 28000
Specializations: Bike Patrol, Computer Forensics Laboratory, Crisis Negotiations, Drone, EMT Basic, K-9 Unit, Motorcycle, School Resource Officer, SCUBA/Dive Rescue, SWAT/Tactical, And more...

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About the Westport Police Department



The Westport Police Department has a full-time complement of 64 sworn police officers that serve the Town of Westport with coverage 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. We are a professional, progressive organization. Our greatest asset are the sworn and civilian members of this Department, who prove each day that they are committed to providing quality services to Westport.

Mission Statement of the Westport Police Department

The mission of the Westport Police Department is to serve the public in a professional manner. We take on the responsibility of making our community safe for all those that live, work or pass through here. We also strive to make our roads safe for motorists and pedestrians alike. It is our responsibility to work with other agencies and with the public we serve and treat everyone with respect and dignity.


The Police Department is organized into three divisions (Operations, Support and Professional Standards). Operations include the entire patrol function and the department's detective or investigative functions. The Professionals Standards Divisions investigates civilian complaints and oversees accreditation and training. The support division includes the Railroad Parking Division, mechanics garage, budget management, and oversees Westport Emergency Medical Services.

Special Services

The Westport Police Department has several specialized units. Most officers are generally assigned to these units in addition to their normal duties. These units include the K9 Unit, Crash Investigation Unit, Tactical Team, Crisis Intervention Team, Dive-Rescue Team, Bicycle Unit, and Traffic Unit.