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Chief: Kristian Lindstrom
Address: 151 Sand Hill Road
South Windsor CT 06074
Phone: 860-644-2551
Number of Officers: 46
Population Served: 26880
Seasonal Pop. Served: 26880
Specializations: Bike Patrol, Crisis Negotiations, Defense Tactics and Weapons Training, Drone, Drug Task Force, EMT Basic, Homicide, K-9 Unit, Motorcycle, School Resource Officer, And more...

About the South Windsor Police Department



The South Windsor Police Department is a proactive and progressive law enforcement agency with a focus on community policing and problem solving. The department offers paid training, a competitive salary and benefits package and a defined contribution retirement plan. Officers can work in numerous special assignments including Investigations, Traffic, Vice & Narcotics, Youth Services, and participate in various regional teams such as Metro Traffic Services, and the Capitol Region Emergency Services Team (SWAT-Negotiators-Dive). The Town of South Windsor is an equal opportunity employer.

Additional Information is available at: https://www.southwindsor-ct.gov/police