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Chief: Stephan Poulin
Address: 20 Court Street
Exeter NH 03833
Phone: 603-772-1212
Number of Officers: 26
Population Served: 16000
Specializations: Bike Patrol, Crisis Negotiations, DARE Program, Defense Tactics and Weapons Training, Drug Task Force, Motorcycle, School Resource Officer, SWAT/Tactical

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About the Exeter Police Department



The Exeter Police Department is a full-time police agency located in the seacoast region of New Hampshire consisting of 24 full-time sworn officers and handling approximately 20,000 calls for service a year.  

The Town of Exeter is made up of a diverse population of about 15,000 people within an area of 21.4 square miles.  The town is also home to the private boarding school Phillips Exeter Academy, which has a student population of about 1,850 from all over the world, a large area high school, a regional hospital, and a thriving business and industrial base.  

Patrol Division

The Patrol Division is made up of 16 uniformed officers that protect the Town 24/7.  Officers are responsible for actively patrolling their assigned area conducting proactive motor vehicle activity and answering calls for service.  

Investigative Division

The Criminal Investigations Division is made up of 3 detectives and a Detective Sergeant.  They are generally available during normal business hours, Monday through Friday.  The Investigative Division handles the investigation of felony level offenses and any other crimes requiring specialized or more in depth investigation.


The Exeter Police Department Communications Division dispatches both Police and Fire for the Town.  It is staffed 24/7 with 6 full time and 2 part time dispatchers.  


The Records Division consists of non-sworn administrative support staff.  These personnel are responsible for records management, paperwork filing, and other administrative type functions.