Logo for: PoliceApp
Chief: Alaric Fox
Address: 293 Elm Street
Enfield CT 06082
Phone: 860-763-6400
Fax: 860-763-6416
Number of Officers: 100
Population Served: 44000
Seasonal Pop. Served: 0
Specializations: Bike Patrol, Crisis Negotiations, Defense Tactics and Weapons Training, Drone, EMT Basic, K-9 Unit, Motorcycle, School Resource Officer, SWAT/Tactical

About the Enfield Police Department



The Enfield Police Department is a full service law enforcement agency dedicated first and foremost to the safety and security of all of our residents and to visitors of our community. The Enfield Police Department is currently recognized as a nationally accredited law enforcement agency through the Commission of Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). Our Department is one of only 15 departments within the State to enjoy this designation.

In order to achieve our goal of public safety we are organized into various divisions, Patrol, Traffic, Detectives, Community Police Officers, and School Resource Officers. In addition our Department is an active participant of regional law enforcement agencies such as Metro Traffic Services (MTS), and the Capitol Region Emergency Response Team (CREST). Within these divisions the Town has supported our efforts with the latest technological advances in policing including, mobile data terminals, in-car camera systems, license plate readers, thermal imaging cameras, in–house remote data access, drones, and electronic citations.

However, in the final analysis, the ultimate effectiveness of any police department is the degree of cooperation and collaboration between the community and the police. Our Department enjoys a tremendous spirit of support and cooperation from all segments of our community. We understand that the trust that we currently enjoy is something that we have worked hard to earn. As we move to the future we view this trust as a privilege bestowed upon us by our community and must remain ever vigilant to work every day to maintain it. It is my hope that the Enfield Police Department’s web site provides additional information and creates another forum of communication between our Department and the citizens we serve.