
Police Chiefs Association Police Officer Exam Content: FAQs

What is the CPCA Police Officer Exam?

Some of the Connecticut Chiefs of Police have joined together to enter into a consortium and administer one entry level examination to create a list of qualified police officer candidates. Any city or town department can select qualified candidates from this list to move forward in the recruitment process. After taking the CPCA police officer exam, highly qualified candidates may be selected to move forward into a multi-tiered process consisting of a CHIP test, polygraph, background investigation, psychological examination, and oral examination. Your CPCA score is valid for six months and then expires.

What can I do to prepare myself for the CPCA Police Officer Exam?

At the very least, entry level police tests examine your critical thinking ability, reasoning, ethics, basic math skills, ability to separate the important from the unimportant, common sense, grammar, and reading comprehension.

Ways to prepare to become a police officer: