Logo for: PoliceApp
Chief: Alexander J. Reno
Address: 100 Brown Avenue
Hampton NH 03842
Phone: 603-929-4444
Number of Officers: 39
Population Served: 16000
Seasonal Pop. Served: 130000
Specializations: Bike Patrol, Crisis Negotiations, Defense Tactics and Weapons Training, Drug Task Force, K-9 Unit, Motorcycle, School Resource Officer, SWAT/Tactical

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About the Hampton Police Department


Apply. Serve. Make a Difference.


Hampton is a beach resort community.  We are located on the beautiful New Hampshire seacoast.  Our Department is staffed with 36 Full-Time Sworn Officers and 20+ Part-Time Sworn Officers. We are supported by 9 Civilian employees.

We use a variety of patrol methods and techniques to handle the dramatic increase in our year-round and summer time population. 

Our Mission:

Maintain Peace and Order
Preventing and Solving Crime
Fostering Partnerships with the Community