Fort Worth TX
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Westover Hills Police Department
The department consists of 11 full time officer, 2 reserve officers, 4 telecommunicators, one Executive Assistant and 1 Police Chaplain. The department is a medical first responding agency and all officers have medical credentials. The agency is accredited by the Texas Police Chiefs Association Foundation as a Best Practice Agency. The agency is strongly engaged in community policing efforts. The Town of Westover Hills is an upscale suburb of Fort Worth with approximately 705 residence. The Town is totally residential with no commercial property
The mission of the Westover Hills Police Department is to effectively and efficiently provide for the protection of lives and property, preserve the public peace, and provide needed community services with the highest level of professionalism and ethical standards
Core Values
Integrity - The Westover Hills Police Department is built upon a foundation of ethical and professional conduct. We are committed to the highest level of moral principles and ethics. All members of the department will adhere to the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics.
Honesty - We will be truthful and trustworthy at all times.
Fairness - We are committed to equal application of the law to offenders and members of the public as well as equal application of rules and regulations to all members of the department.
Courage - We are dedicated to meeting all the challenges with the courage needed to accomplish our mission.
Compassion - We understand our role as community caretakers and temper our application of the law with compassion and empathy.